The Digital Angels


Level: Champion

Attribute: Vaccine

Family:  Wind Guardians
Virus Busters

Prior form: In most realities, he digivolves from a Patamon. In Digimon World 2, he evolves from Clearagumon.

Next form: Magna Angemon (or Holy Angemon) in most of realities. Magna Angemon or Giromon in DW 2.


+Fire Feather  +Piddo Speed  +Apollo Tornado

Exceptional case:

Digidestined Steve Worthington , when he became an  Hybrid due to Tempus Angemon´s intervention, he transforms  into Piddomon .





Level: Champion

Attribute: Vaccine

Family:  Wind Guardians
Virus Busters

Prior form: In most realities, he digivolves from a Patamon. DW2 he also digivolves from Clearagumon

Next form: Magna Angemon (or Holy Angemon) in most of realities. IN DW2 he can either digivolve into Magna Angemon or Andromon.  In reality 01, he partnered with Ankylomon and DNA digivolved into Shakkoumon. An Angemon was transformed into Angewomon in Reality 011γ (RE:Digitalize). In reality 07 , if partnered with Devimon they DNA digivolve into Lucemon Fallen Mode.


+Hand of Fate      +Holy Rod      + Omni Typhoon


Exceptional case:

Ange, Nova Takariyama´s , was Tk´s first Angemon who sacrified his life to defeat Devimon. Instead of resurrecting in a digiegg, he was summoned to another Universe and reborn as an Hybrid. Currently half human, half digital Angel he is unable to dedigivolve into a rookie form or DNA with another digimon due to an alteration to his codes. He is stronger than the average Angemon but he cannot revert into a Holy egg if badly defeated. It takes longer for him to recover his energy than the average Angemon.








Level: Ultimate

Type: Archangel

Attribute: Vaccine

Family:  Wind Guardians
Virus Busters

Prior form: In most realities, he digivolves from Angemon and Piddomon. In reality 07 he also digivolves from Clockmon and Starmon.

Next form: Seraphimon, Slash Angemon , Dominimon and Murmukusmon. Steve Worthington can digivolve into Clavis Angemon as well. In reality 07 , MagnaAngemon can DNA digivolve to Alphamon with Magnamon or DoruGreymon.


+Gate of Destiny     +Excalibur     + Magna Antidote + Soul vanisher + Angel Rod

+Flying Sword of Justice + Shield and Counter + Magna Jump (Holy Jump)+ Excali-burst (reality 07)


Exceptional case:

Ange, Nova Takariyama´s , was Tk´s first Angemon who sacrified his life to defeat Devimon. Instead of resurrecting in a digiegg, he was summoned to another Universe and reborn as an Hybrid. Currently half human, half digital Angel he is unable to dedigivolve into a rookie form or DNA with another digimon due to an alteration to his codes. He is stronger than the average Angemon but he cannot revert into a Holy egg if badly defeated. It takes longer for him to recover his energy than the average Angemon.




Level: Mega

Type: Seraph

Attribute: Vaccine

Family:  Wind Guardians
Virus Busters

Prior form: In most realities, he digivolves from Magna Angemon.

Next form: In reality 07 when partnered with Gallantmon they DNA into Gallantmon Crimson Mode.

Ange, Nova´s partner, digivolves into Tempus Angemon .



+Strike of the Seven Stars  +Rising Halo   + Hallowed Knuckle  + Excalibur   + Hallowed Ascension





Level: Mega

Type: Power

Attribute: Vaccine

Family:  Virus Busters

Prior form: In most realities, he digivolves from Magna Angemon.In some realities he also digivolves from Kyukimon



+Blade of the True + Golden Ripper








Level: Mega

Type: Power

Attribute: Vaccine


Prior form: In most realities, especially 02,he digivolves from Magna Angemon.


+Final Excalibur








Level: Mega

Type: Virtue

Attribute: Vaccine

Family:  Time Guardians

Wind Guardians

Prior form: In most realities he digivolves from Magna Angemon.Steve Worthing can directly Warp into Clavis Angemon although he rarely summons this form due to Tempus Angemon´s orders.


+The Key + Zenith Gate +Heaven’s Arrow





Level: Supreme

Type: Virtue

Attribute: Vaccine

Family: Time Guardians

Prior form: Only Ange can turn into Tempus Angemon, independently the prior form. He doesn´ñt need his partner´s digivice to achieve this form but in order to unlock it by himself  Ange requires at least 10000  HP on store plus 10000 Holy Experience. With Nova´s assistance he requires  5000 HP + 5000 Holy Experience.


+The Key + Zenith Gate +Heaven’s Arrow +Time´s Judgement + Degradation of Time +  Infinity Key






Level: Supreme

Type: Power

Attribute: Virus

Family: Time Guardians

Prior form: He used to be a Patamon from reality 01 Ω but the destruction of that timeline corrupted its data. Patamon was converted into Saturn Patamon, champion level virus in this case.


+Saturn Key + Purgatory Gate +The 8 Heavens’s Punishment +Time´s Judgement + Degradation of Time





Level: Mega

Type: Virtue

Attribute: Vaccine

Family: Time Guardians

Prior form: None. He´s digidestined Takumi Shiro´s alternate self due to His Hybid nature. When reality 01 Ω was destroyed, Saturn Angemon rescued the boy and infused him with part of his codes turning him into a half human, half digital angel being. No digimon or human can replicate this form.


+Chronos Key + Compassion from the 8 heavens  +Time´s Judgement + Degradation of Time +  Chaos Key + Infinite Key




Level: Ultimate

Type: Archangel

Attribute: Vaccine

Family: Nature Spirits
Virus Busters
Wind Guardians

Prior form:In most realities, she digivolves from a Gatomon. In reality 07 an Angemon was turned into Angewomon.

Next Form: In most of the realities she digivolves into Magnadramon and Ophanimon. In reality 011 α,β and γ when partnered with Ladydevimon they DNA evolution into Mastemon.


+Celestial Arrow + Heaven´s  Charm +Holy Air



Level: Ultimate

Type: Archangel

Attribute: Vaccine

Family: Nature Spirits
Virus Busters
Wind Guardians

Prior form:In most realities, she digivolves from a Gatomon. In reality

Next Form: In reality 02 she switches to Lady Angewomon and digivolves into Seraphiwomon.



+Celestial Arrow + Heaven´s  Charm +Holy Air.

Note: This Angewomon rarely goes on an attack mode, in this form she´s mainly a healer.




Level: Ultimate

Type: Archangel

Attribute: Vaccine

Family: Nature Spirits
Virus Busters
Wind Guardians

Prior form:In most realities, she digivolves from a Gatomon. In reality 02 she is the alternate form of Nurse Angewomon.

Next Form: In reality 02 she digivolves into Seraphiwomon.


+Celestial Arrow + Heaven´s  Charm +Holy Air + Miraculous Healing + Paradise Shower



Level: Mega

Type: Ophan

Attribute: Vaccine

Family: Virus Busters

Prior form:Angewomon,  Nurse Angewomon. In reality 07, Ophanimon can be summoned via DNA digievolution between Sylphilmon and Taomon as well.

Next Form: In reality 02 she digivolves into Seraphiwomon. In reality 07 when partnered with Rosemon they DNA into Rosemon Burst Mode.


In reality 07, when infused by the Chrono Core Ophanimon turns into the fiery Ophanimon C.

When Ophanimon´s infected, she turns into Ophanimon Falldown Mode.


+Eden ´s Javelin + Sefirot Crystal




Level: Mega

Type: Seraph

Attribute: Vaccine

Family: Virus Busters

Prior form:Angewomon,  Nurse Angewomon, Lady Angewomon.

Next Form: In reality 02  when partnered with an Angewomon or Sakuyamon they DNA into Seraphiwomon Burst Mode.



+Strike of the Seven Stars  +Rising Halo   + Hallowed Knuckle  + Excalibur   + Hallowed Ascension





Level: Mega

Attribute: Vaccine

Family: Virus Busters

Prior form:Angewomon + Ladydevimo

Attacks: Chaos Degradation

Note: It is an Angel Digimon who manipulates light and darkness, and like Clavis Angemon, Alphamon and Tempus Angemon has the power to cross through space-time.







Note: These angels ´s codes had been fused with the Golden Eggs of Miracle and Destiny. Their power can easily rival with Mega level digimons.