The Cycle of Reincarnation


One of the Key themes in the story is the so called ‘cycle of reincarnation” in which an individual is reincarnated in a succession of lives , assuming different identities and fulfilling different roles.

Sometimes the individual will follow the path of Good, sometimes the path of Evil. Or change ways midway..

In Hinduism, is the Saṃsāra which means “to flow together”. It refers to the cycle of rebirth in which an individual is reincarnated in a succession of lives based upon the karma (a sort of metaphysical record of a person’s moral worth) received for deeds committed during each life. This rebirth is more of a curse than a blessing, though it does offer the opportunity for spiritual cultivation that can bring about release.

In the story  everybody, humans and digimons alike, are -by rule- tied to the Samsara although Shukumeimon jokes with by referring it as a the “Unending Divine Comedy”.  He (among others ), whenever he ‘s in the mood,  can take a squint at any cycle of birth and rebirth through a Holy Clock that floats in the heart of Nexus and decide if meddle or not.

From his own realm, Anubismon owns a similar ability although he takes his job way more seriously than Shukumeimon (the latter would often pick up a random a  storyline , toy with the involved parties by joining the cycle himself by assuming different human or digimon forms)


There are times that a digimon dies and instead of being reborn as another digimon its soul will follow (sometimes willingly and sometimes unwillingly) the  human path and vice versa. Humans and Digimons are different types of data, living in different dimensions and  separated by apparent irrenconciliable laws of physics; yet the barrier between isn’t an absolute, digimons and humans are simply composed by energy and in either case death is nothing but a redirectioning of energy. Energy does not disappear but converted and transferred somewhere else.




While he’s an appointed guardian of Nexus he would often grow bored of his job and jump at any opportunity of having fun by spliting his conscience in either human or digital forms.

In the story it’s revealed at least 2 of his forms:

~Magnus Nikitich/Magnus Takariyama from Reality 012 

~Takeru Takaishi from Reality 01. 

In reality 12, through a dream, Magnus Nikitich (eventually known as Magnus Takariyama)was challenged by Shukumeimon himself and woke up wielding a bracelet-style digivice. He managed to open a portal that should had lead him to the neighboring Digiworld but right in the middle of his flight a mysterious force altered his coordinates and the lad ended  showing up unexpectadely in the Digiworld from reality 09.

The responsibles for this detour were Anubismon and  Clavis Angemon.

Universe 12 Anubismon used to be Shukkumeimon’s apprentice and HATED his guts, recognizing his former mater’s codes inside Magnus he diverted Magnus’s original course and teleported him to another Digiuniverse. At the same time, Clavis Angemon from universe 9 was in dire need of help as its original group of Digidestineds’ failed on defeating a monumental threat known as ZeedMilenniummon and their subsequent capture lead Clavis Angemon to ignore the usual protocols ; desperation compelled him to break down certain rules by summoning a digidestined from another reality whom he considered the most suitable warrior and the Key chose Magnus. After accepting the mission Magnus was paired with an Agumon and Gabumon and  was also joined by Akarimon, a rookie digital angel  who served as Clavis Angemon’s assistant. Magnus and his digimons would eventually pass away: the digimons’ codes were sent away to  Reality 01 and reborn as digieggs in the Digiworld  awaiting for the arrival of Taichi Yagami and Yamato Ishida hence becoming the future digidestineds of Courage and Friendhip partners.

Right after defeating Lucemon, Magnus had no more stamina left in his body and ended dying in Akarimon’s arms. Before departing for good Magnus’ soul would momentarily manifest his true self as Shukumeimon, inviting Akarimon to join him in his new quest while chastizing Yggdrasil for its “foolish actions” . Akarimon was forced to stay in the Digiworld as Yggdrasil’s newest angel and Shukumeimon had no choice but to fly solo to his new destiny. Like Agumon and Gabumon he made it to reality 01, ready to be reborn as Takeru Takaishi.

Akarimon never forgot her true love despite the passing of the centuries. Eventually she would find a suitable replacement as Yggdrasil’s servant in a Magna Angemon. She taught him the ropes and when the day he fully completed his training arrived she simply took off and followed Shukumeimon’s leftover codes to Reality 01. An unexpected encounter with toddler Taichi Yagami in the streets from Odaiba  made her take the decision of being reincarnated as a human child, more precisely as his future sister.

Takeru Takaishi and Hikari Yagami would be unaware of his other identities for years…



A Millennia before Digimon Frontier events Lucemon descended to the Digiworld , by God’s orders (in my fic he was sent by Homeostasis) to stop the Beast-type and Human-type digimons who were in war from destroying the world. Lucemon eventually fell into madness and became a tyrant, forcing Yggdrasil to take matter in his hands. A human girl called Shizuka Kimura was given the task on recruiting 10 warriors from both tribes and defeat Lucemon for good.

Lucemon owned a huge army  , two angels, an Angemon and Angewomon who wielded the staffs of Hope and Light were his chosen generals. They wielded the Millennnium title before their names hence different outfits as a symbol of status.

The pair , believing Lucemon was the almightiest from all, used to blindly follow his orders and attempted to stop Shizuka and her people several times. Shizuka would eventually manage to talk things out with them and open their eyes to the truth about Lucemon. The angels  switched sides and swore to protect the child.

Eventually the 10 legendary warriors were reunited and combining their powers they were able to defeat Lucemon .They attained  victory though not a satisfying one, Lucemon was defeated but everybody save for AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon survived the ordeal. Shizuka ‘s soul was separated from her body mid-battle and the angels defied the odds and traveled -joined by patamon, salamon and Patamon- to the Digi version of Hell to retrieve Shizuka’s soul. The Ancients , in order to seal Lucemon for good and summon a holy line as a way to guide Shizuka and the angels back to the Digiworld, decided to sacrify what little remained of their lifespans .

To save the Digiworld from total destruction (the warriors were unable to stop Lucemon’s latest monstrosity, he launched a massive attack to the core of the Digiworld right before his defeat) Shizuka , fused with Yggdrasil codes, unlocked a serie of data from her digivice and  assited by Angemon, Angewomon and the brand new mega angels Seraphimon, Ophanimon and Cherubimon  and altogether summoned a mysterious Holy Host known as Nexus.

Once the world was saved and relieved that Shizuka was fine, the remaining two Legendary Warriors passed away. Feeling that Lucemon would someday revive the   Warriors split their powers and consciences into brand new Digispirits and announced that they would wait for the ones deemed worthy of being their succesors and entrusted the spirits to the new brand rulers of the Digiworld: Seraphimon, Ophanimon and Cherubimon. With most of her memories erased, Shizuka was sent back home and  the digispirits waited for centuries, for the arrival of the prophesied digidestineds lead by  google boy Takuya Kanbara. The reborn Shizuka would eventually be revealed as a first cousin of twins Koji Minamoto and Koichi Kimura…

Millennnium Holy Angemon and Millennium Angewomon swore their loyalty toward the new rulers and faithfully served them for the next 500 digi years. They seemingly passed away while fighting against a formidable foe known as Quartzmon who , one day, appeared in the middle of nowhere and attempted to possess the local servers Homeostasis and yGGDRASIL.  HolyAngemon  summoned a Gate of Destiny, fearing Quartzmon would be able to escape the gate the angels pushed the foe inside it and letting the gate absorv them as well. Quartzmon’s codes were scattered inside the gate and seemingly persihed for good. Before the angels could do anything else they became trapped inside a cosmic hurricane  and pushed away from each other’s hands. Angewomon was harshly thrown to the human world from Reality 012, St Petersburg more precisely  while Holy Angemon landed on Odaiba from Reality 01. Believing the other party was dead, the angels grieved their loss and were ready to die as well had not destiny intervened once again.

Angewomon was on the brink  of death  when , by chance, was approached by toddler Magnus Nikitich (future Magnus Takariyama); his obvious innocence reignited a sparkle of warmth inside Angewomon’s heart and she fastly grew attached to him. Unable to bear the idea of not seeing him again  she used what was left over of her powers. “I’ll protect him” were her last words and several months later she  was reincarnated as Magnus’s little sister Nova.

Meanwhile Magna Angemon, also on the verge of disappearing for good due to his lack of stamina, landed in a park of Odaiba and was greeted by two year old Takeru Ishida (years before the divorce) who escaped from his elder brother’s sight. The toddler was happy as a clamp to meet a true angel and wanted to play. His warmth and innocence restored the angel’s will to live and when the elder Ishida, Yamato, finally located his sibling the angel had already decided to  keep living albeit in a humbler form. Before taking his leave he said: “we’ll meet again in the future” .

HolyAngemon and the Kids by Ayhelenk

His soul made it to the neighboring Digiworld, entering into one of the 8 digieggs that Mr Gennai and his team created in their lab without anybody noticing.  Sometime later the Dark Masters would attack the place and attempt to steal the eggs and the digivices that were attached to them…

Reborn as a humble Tokomon and deprived of his memories of his past life, the angel was nevertheless delighted to meet the then 8 year old Takeru (now going by the Takaishi surname) and sworn to protect the kid no matter what!

Certain events would lead to the former angels of Lucemon to reunite once again. When Patamon evolved for the first time into Angemon he summoned the rest of his companions’ powers to defeat an overpowered Devimon and ended dying in the process. His soul was ready to re-enter inside the digiegg he recreated with his remaining codes, patamon’s (his other self) codes were already there but an external force prevented him from leaving the astral plane and another Angemon’s soul entered into the egg instead, fusing with the dormant Patamon’s codes all the way.

He was finally able to escape the realm when another outer force teleported him to the Digiworld from Reality 012 and found himself carrying Takeru Takaishi and an unknown girl in his arms! The three joined forces to defeat an overpowered Piedmon who was wielding Yggdrasil’s codes and about to destroy both the human and digitalworlds and managed to defeat him for good. Neither ANgemon nor the girl known as Nova initially recognized each other due to their memories of their past lives erased from their system…



Clavis Angemon from Reality 09 used to be Yggdrasil’s closest angel until his death under Lucemon’s hands.

His spirit lurked around quite a bit, following Magnus Takariyama and his friends’ battle against the deranged fallen angel until his subsequent death and reveal about being Shukumeimon disguised as Magnus. When Shukumeimon departed from the Digiworld , ready to assume a new human form, Clavis Angemon was already on his way to Reality 01.

He made it to the human world three years prior to Shukumeimon and chose to split his conscience into two human babies that shared a blood link despite they were about to be born in two distant, almost opposite, geographic locations. A baby boy was about to be born in England and his half sibling, a girl, in Japan.

The boy would be known as Steve Worthington II and future digidestined from the UK and the girl was born in the Mikagura household and known as Mirei, future Cyber Sleuth protagnist from another distant reality (11) How she left reality 01 and became a prominent character from a Digiworld that couldn’t be more unrelated to her native one…only time will tell.

The truth about their past identity as Clavis Angemon ended being uncovered after their joining to Tempus Angemon and Nova’s team and while most of their memories about the angel are blurry, part of his powers still remain inside them….



At the beginning of the story Tempus Angemon and Nova Takariyama are chasing after a string of anomalies that showed up at several realities , affecting  different timelines -past, present and future- and threatening the so called “Holy Equilibrium” of the Multiverse.

On the form of MoonMillenniunmon, one of the anomalies suddenly appeared in the Digiworld from reality 01 (digimon 01, 02 &Tri) at least half a millennia before the appearance of  The Harmonious Ones (which would be eventually known as the 4 Sovereign Digigods) – fated to be the Partner Digimon of four of the original DigiDestineds   – and their subsequent war against the Dark Masters and  attempted to take over one of its main servers, Yggdrasil.

MoonMillenniunmon’s attacks were repelled by two of Yggdrasil’s closest guardians:  Bagramon and Alphamon. For a long while the two engaged in a gruesome battle against the invasor until they were able to nullify the threat.

Yggdrasil, though, suffered   a slight alteration on its codes which at first went unnoticed but would grow into something more serious within each passing day. Unable to determine its true nature or the root, Yggdrasil searched for an answer by exchanging data with its counterparts from other universes. While none could actually provide with the desrired answer the local server came across with a peculiar event that was taking place, almost at the same time, in the Digiworld of reality 09. The rise of Shukumeimon and his confrontation with Yggdrasil when the latter would not let Akarimon leave with him and forcing her to suceed her former master as it’s closest guardian (Clavis Angemon used to be his closest angel until his death)

Annoyed by its inflexibility, Shukumeimon threw a challenge against the server by saying that to fully understand mortals it should , at least one time, be reborn as a human and gain experience by living among other humans. Much to reality 01’s Yggdrasil’s confusion, the reality 09 deity would eventually respond to the challenge by splitting its conscience onto two human forms: Norun and Gabriel Mikihara.

01 Yggdrasil also learned that several counterparts were inspired by this event and already gone through similar paths . Not too long after this, Bagramon and Alphamon were summoned and the serveer informed that it would split part of its conscience and let it be reborn as a human. At first the guardians opposed, especially Bagramon, by saying it was nonsensical and risky but their protests were rebuffed by Yggdrasil by adding its imminent corruption. Unable to predict when the corruption would finally take over the entire system the deity wanted to at least preserve its purest form and ordered them to look after it.

Alphamon offered to stay by Yggdrasil’s side – no matter what- while Bagramon agreed to  be reborn as a human as well; making sure to be  always close to his master, Bagramon  reincarnated (at least a decade before Taichi & co) as the German digidestined Ludwig Faust and childhood friend of   Émeraude Vogels (which turned to be Yggdrasil’s new form). As a protective measure they both were reborn without memories of their previous lives, or anything that had to do with digimons.  But even without their memories they were still reborn with special features, Ludwig had the ability of summoning magic while Émeraude was gifted with a high degree of empathy and precognition.

It was during 1999, when Myotismon made it to the human world with the sole intention  of capturing the 8th Digidestined and conquer both worlds, that a handful  of Ludwig’s past memories  were reawakened by  Wizardmon right after being killed by Myotismon. Wizardmon revealed to Ludwig about how he and a twin brother, Sorcerymon, used to serve as Bagramon’s apprentices and waited for his return. Wizardmon even handed a digivice at Ludwig but the latter refused, stating that he owed nothing to either him not the other digidestineds and they should be able to handle their own mess. Before leaving, Wizardmon predicted that sooner or later Émeraude and him would return to the digiworld.

During the Diaboromon ‘s first attack, in year 2000, a  digivice spontaneously showed up before Ludwig . Ludwig would learn that the same phenomenom took place at several cities across the world because hundreds of children witnessed the whole battle online yet he refused the call until Émeraude showed her digivice. Unlike him she was excited with the perspective of becoming a digidestined ; defeated by her enthusiasm Ludwig finally gave in and together traveled to the Digiworld. They were greeted by Sorcerymon who instantly recognized his former master and became Ludwig’s digimon  but Émeraude became utterly disapppointed that none of the digimons from that territory was her destined one. Sorcerymon informed her that Wizardmon, should had lived, would had been appointed as her digimon but  unlike the other digidestineds she owned certain advantages that the original 8 didn’t. Fearing this would bring unwanted attention, Ludwig made  Sorcerymon swear to absolutely secrecy about them, especially  from  Mr Gennai whom he did not trust at all.

It would be by the 2004 that Ludwig would reveal himself to the world as the digidestined from Germany during a torunament that took place in the Digiworld: the D-X tournament  which was inspired by Ryo Akiyma’s D-1 (which turned to be a ruse to train him to fight against Millenniunmon) although in this case,  the rules demanded that  only teams composed by 5 members were allowed to compete. The invitation was sent to the digidestineds across the world.

It would eventually revealed that the digi-tournament was conceived by Ludwig Faust himself and Gabriel Mikihara as a trap; they were eager  to capture all the digidestineds and their companions and make use of their data with the firm purpose of rebooting both worlds for Émeraude’s sake, she was afflicted by a mysterious illness and Ludwig was unable to heal her despite his powers. Gabriel convinced Ludwig that the actions from the digidestineds from Japan and their past battles made  Émeraude sick which enraged Ludwig. Taichi Yagami and his torupe were eventually aided by Ryo Akiyama , Mirei Mikagura and another group of digidestineds , which were from the UK and especially sent by Nova Takariyama and Tempus Angemon, and altogether defeated the antagonists and healed Émeraude.

After banishing Gabriel Mikihara from reality 01 and erasing part of the original digidestineds’ memories,  Tempus Angemon  scouted Ludwig and Émeraude onto the supremes league as a way of redemption. Ludwig agreed but even today he owns a tempestuous, unpredicatble nature…