It’s year 2007.

At least for a decade, Digimons were the real deal in the Human World albeit only a few were aware of their existence. Like in reality 03, a governmental organization had been taking care of digital business: The Digital Accident Tactics Squad ( DATS). Lead by Rentarou Satsuma, DATS constantly monitored digital activity. When a rogue digimon trespasses the gates, the agency would send specialized members for “animal control”. Any digimon that’s captured would be sent back to the Digi World. Asap.

That should always be the case…but exceptions existed.

An Agumon managed to escape from DATS and proved to be quite hard to catch and was on the run when the digimon crossed paths with feisty 14 year old Masaru Daimon, a rebellish teenager who loved to fight. In a very shounen anime cliche,   they had a fist-to-fist encounter to later bond as fist pals. Then, the pair was caught by the DATS fellas and finally coherced by Satsuma to join the agency whether they liked it or not.

Despite having a huge dislike towards authorities ,  Masaru and Agumon   got used to their roles of agents of  DATS but Satsuma wouldn’t risk the city’s welfare by letting them going loose and made sure they were constantly monitored by by another recruits:

 A genius yet candidate to Ice-King Tohma H. Norstein, also 14 partnered with a Gaomon. Also a specialist on destroying anybody’s ego as the blond  easily kicked Masaru’s ass in a fight the very same day they met. The other tem member was “senpai” 18-year-old Yoshino  Fujieda, overly conscious of enforcing the rules and partnered with a Lalamon . The trio of teenagers had a hard time adjusting on working together but somehow survived the first weeks.

As time passed, Tohma discovered that Digimon would respond to the dark emotions from humans, putting them at odds with monsters who seek to use humanity’s own vices to bolster their own power.

It’s with the appearance of Merukimon and a little boy named Ikuto Noguchi that the plot took a darker route.  Merukimon’s one of the rulers of the Digital World and years ago found Ikuto while he was still a baby, raising him as his own son.  Ikuto  served him for years,  along with his designated partner Falcomon. The DATS team entered into the Digi World , trying to unfold the reason for their hatred of humankind until it’s  revealed that the real enemy was Akihiro Kurata, a scientist who led an attack on the Digital World years before that resulted in the permanent death of many Digimon.

Claiming that Digimons  were a threat to mankind, Kurata gained the support of the government to overtake Satusma’s position and go ahead with his proposal of eradicating all Digimon species. Of course, Kurata-sama was nothing but a bad pastiche of a Lex Luthor as  he actually planned to take over the world.  In the meantime, blackmailed by his own father, Tohma would betray his teammates and side with Kurata as the latter claimed having a cure his little sister Relena’s illness. To prevent the digidestined from betraying him Kurata stated that there was a bomb in Relena’s necklace. The betrayal wouldn’t last for too long though. Despite being able to make use of a Belphemon, Masaru and his friends foiled the plans.
When Kurata’s men were about to perform surgery on Relena to make her a Bio Hybrid Digimon, Tohma and Gaomon knocked out everyone once the necklace was removed. Thomas then betrayed Kurata by activating the charge he had planted inside the device Kurata was using to control Belphemon , and returned to the DATS team to put a stop to the mad scientist.

Unfortunately, before dying,   Kurata unleashed a bomb to make the Digital World merge with the human world but the collision was nullified thanks to BanchoLeomon. This would would enrage  King Drasil (Yggdrasil), the supreme ruler of the Digital World and decreed that  to ensure the survival of his world  mankind must be destroyed, since they cannot exist in both dimensions. Masaru ended learning that  his father, Suguru, used to form part of an expedition  and had been trapped in the Digital World for ten years, because Drasil possessed his body while BanchoLeomon kept the latter’s soul. After a gruesome battle against Drasil, which decided to collission both worlds in order to create a new one, Masaru and Agumon finally won by  destroying the deity’s core. Touched by their bravery Drasil finally relented and sent back Suguru’s soul  to his body and is able to reunite with his family.

Despite the success on saving both worlds, Agumon and the other Digimons decided to go back to the Digi World to help restore it to its former glory. As a protective measure, the humans agreed to have their memories of the Digimons erased  save for Masaru who, not wishing to part ways with Agumon, left to the Digi World as well.

Year 2012.

Five years passed since that adventure, Masaru is still acting as the peacemaker in the digital world with Agumon. Tohma Norstein finally managed to find a cure for his sister’s illness and became the youngest scientist to win the Nobel Prize at age 19. Yoshino has joined the police with the remaining DATS members and everybody is seemingly happy with their current lives.

But sooner or later, the gates between the worlds shall be opened again. And the former digidestineds will inevitably learn about another secret from King Drasil…