In this reality, Digimons were well known in the mainstream…through card games. Their popularity rivaled the likes of Yu-Gi-Oh! and Magic: The Gathering and even held  their own RPG tournaments.

It would be a matter of time before it’s discovered that Digimons existed for real and a bunch of them had already crossed to the Human World several times. 

Hypnos, a secret agency from the government, had already been monitoring Digimon activity around the globe for a long time. It’s sole purpose of  sending those creatures back to their original world as those creatures posed a risk if allowed to walk freely among humans.  Meanwhile, a bunch of kids had already bonded with digimons -either by fate or coincidence- thus owning the digidestineds status (called Tamers in this universe).

Takato Matsuda, an hopeful boy and fan of the game -to the point of designing his own digimon- became a digidestined the day  he found a mysterious blue card in his deck. That night he slipped the blue card  through his card reader and, unbeknownst to him, the device was transformed into a D-ARC (this reality’s version of a digivice). While Takato was asleep the device automatically scanned Takato’s drawing of Guilmon and assimilated not only the designs but the descriptions as well thus materializing the digimon for real. After finding out what happened, Takato did his best to raise Guilmon in secret without his parents’ knowledge. His secret wouldn’t last for much longer, though, as the pair would eventually be discovered by  fellow tamers Ruki Makino and  Jianliang Lee, two fellow tamers. 

Ruki’s  partnered with a Renamon while Jianliang had a Terriermon.

Ranking 1st in the 2001 tournament, Ruki was known as the “Queen of Digimons”  yet the girl resented what she called a meaningless victory.  The year before she was easily defeated by a boy going by the name of Ryo Akiyama which hurt her pride;  Akiyama did not compete this time  which left her frustrated. Ruki would vent her resentments by making Renamon hunt any unfortunate digimon that dared to venture to the human world and absorb its codes. The girl initially planned to get rid of Guilmon the same way but ended being defeated. Jianliang and Terriermon approved of Takato and Guilmon and as more wild digimons showed up, the tamers eventually formed a partnership.

 They come across two digimons known as Calumon and Impmon, two rookie digimons who’d been already residing in Shizuoka for a good while. Calumon was an adorable yet naive little digimon with mysterious powers who wished to make friends while Impmon was a tsundere-type digimon, yearning to achieve a superior form in order not to lose against Renamon. The pair would eventually play much more significant roles.

Within the passing of time, the tamers joined forces  with Hypnos when an elite group of digimons – the  Devas- invaded the Real World seeking to retrieve Calumon. After Calumon was finally captured, the Tamers had no choice but to enter the Digital World. They ‘re joined by three more kids, Hirokazu, Kenta and Juri – Takato’s classmates- as they wished to become tamers as well. Juri had already befriended a Leomon in the human world  and believed he was her fated digimon. Although not fully convinced, Leomon agreed to protect the girl nevertheless. In the Digi World, the tamers would  come across the missing Ryo Akiyama who revealed to be a full fleshed tamer and he’d been stuck in the Digiworld for more than a year. He’s partnered with the feral Cyberdramon.

Meanwhile, due to his wish of achieving a superior form, Impmon made a deal with a Deva and ended betraying the tamers in the worst way. As Beelzemon he attacked the tamers and  and killed  Leomon, leading Juri to fall into a depression.

Calumon was found safe and sane and the group would meet with  the Digimon Sovereigns, Ebonwumon, Azulongmon, Baihumon and Zhuqiaomon who revealed that the Digimons had been a protecting themselves from humans and the Real World after the Digital World was invaded by the D-Reaper, a rogue clean-up program created by humans. After returning  to the Real World, the depressed Juri ended being kidnapped by the D-Reaper and assimilated her into its body. When the D-Reaper began to materialize in the Real World, the Tamers (even Ryo) were granted new digievolution powers by the Sovereigns and a Dukemon in crimson mode defeated it for good and saving Juri. Once the  worlds were restored, the children were forced to part ways with  their Digimon partners as they were meant to return to the Digital World.

Yet, when it comes to Digital business nothing is gone for good.

Fast forward to year 2011 and the digimons are back to their humans’ side. Calumon, the digi- light of evolution managed to keep a door opened which Takato was able to find soon afterwards their departure. New adventures followed through and currently exists a peaceful coexistence between humans and digimons although Hypnos keeps monitoring the digital activities.

The young tamers are in their early 20s, looking forward to their future while enjoying peace.

But certain activities inside Hypnos may put Digital and Human Worlds’ in jeopardy…