Submit your own Fanfics


poster1Are you a digimon fan and enjoy writing as much as I do? ♥

If the answer is yes, you are invited to share some of your stories here ♥

All you need to do is write to me at and send  your manuscript (which can be as a word document or pdf) 


♦ The Rules ♦

1 ♦ No Daikari ♦
First of all, be noted that this is a Takari site.
I respect Daisuke Motomiya as a character and he owns lots of positive traits…
but even today, that pairing is a big no to me. Gomen!
Said that, fics about Daisuke being romantically paired with someone else
are more than welcome in my book.

2 ♦ Takari actually isn’t a must ♦

While I am personally a huge fan of Hikari and Takeru being together, I am okay on seeing them ♥ paired  with  other characters (except Daisuke). The same goes for Angemon and Angewomon

3 ♦ Yaoi and Yuri are okay in my book ♦

4 ♦ Shota and Lolicon are a NO ♦

4 ♦  Porn is also a NO-NO (for both human and digimon alike!)♦


  • Write a short summary about your story (and properly tag it by pairings and  if it contains mature themes or is marked as a tragedy. Believe me, it helps!)
  • Spell check all story and poetryPLEASE (otherwise I will not publish it)
  • I hereby encourage you to proofread all entries for grammar and other aspects of writing before e-mailing it, If possible. You don’t want to get harsh critics from the readers or trolls pretending to be fans.
  • Just like porn is off the table, extreme gore scenes that would make the CSI guys vomit are also a no-no. If there’s violence, it needs to be well written and justified. Nobody needs to be a Tom Clancy, but writing is an art and certainly takes time.
  • Copying from a previously published work is an absolute NO. It’s useless to make yourself a name by cheating…the internet is huge and you’ll be found out anyways. 
  • If you intend to write a long story,  just separate them in chapters. Oneshots are also welcome

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