If you are considering on getting a commission , please read this guideline 🙂

 [How do I work]

  • Once I get the payment ( yes, you must pay beforehand) I will start working on your artwork.
  • Depending on the complexity of the picture(s) you will be getting the artwork between 2-5 days
  • I will e-mail (or go through whatsapp) SAMPLES of the work in progress in case there’s something that needs to be fixed or changed. In my book, the customer must know how things are going and voice his/ her concerns. I aim to make their wishes come true, draw what’s inside their hearts and make them happy! :rose:
  • Once the final drawing is given the okay, I will e-mail them in high resolution. When it’s a coloured piccie, the customer will get both the original black & white lineart + the coloured version. If it’s just a lineart, the customer is also entitled to get the original psp file in case he/she wants to try colouring himself/ herself ( which I did)
  • The customer has the right to remain as an anonymous if wanted and/or request a private commission (for example, the artwork not being published in my gallery) I gladly respected their wishes  in both cases :)


  • While I basically love artistic freedom , I am always eager to listen to what the customer wants. Because I am basically going to breath life to your imagination.
  • PLEASE, PROVIDE GOOD DESCRIPTIONS ( and  reference pictures, if possible!)

I appreciate specific descriptions as I am not Jean Grey and cannot read minds :laughing:

But, please don’t be overly specific!  

I don’t need an entire book about what the character or characters are doing or how they look. Please, keep it as simple as possible ( first, try picturing it inside your own mind and then you contact me)

  • When it comes to FIXING details, my limit is up to 4 times. No more than that. Remember that drawing eats a lot of time!


While I usually draw FANARTS, I am also on personalized artworks route ( like portraits )

  • The prices on the board are applied to fanarts.
Commissions Info by Ayhelenk

If you want a personalized artwork please NOTE me in advance or e-mail me at ayhelenk@gmail.com.


Because the range of prices towards the latter category IS DIFFERENT. Personalized artworks belong to a different league

FANART=> Digital Art > Drawings > Other” href=”https://www.deviantart.com/ayhelenk/art/Takari-for-Takari-fans-25470944″>Takari for Takari fans by Ayhelenk
PERSONALIZED ARTWORK=> Drawings & Paintings > People > Portraits” href=”https://www.deviantart.com/ayhelenk/art/Lori-and-Harry-Hawks-691673677″>Lori and Harry Hawks by Ayhelenk


Manga & Anime > Digital > Movies & TV” href=”https://www.deviantart.com/ayhelenk/art/Mastemon-in-Holy-Mode-653867526″>Mastemon in Holy Mode by Ayhelenk Manga & Anime > Digital > Movies & TV” href=”https://www.deviantart.com/ayhelenk/art/Commission-Evangelion-Unit-02-809137491″>Commission: Evangelion Unit 02 by Ayhelenk Manga & Anime > Digital > Movies & TV” href=”https://www.deviantart.com/ayhelenk/art/Star-Festival-Coloured-805655185″>Star Festival  - Coloured by Ayhelenk

This is when people commission me artworks about their favourite characters but want them REDESIGNED as BRAND NEW CHARACTERS. This is the CUSTOMIZED designs area, and , sometimes I am commissioned designs with MORE DETAILS than in the original anime.

So, it’s basically like asking me  to draw new characters from scratch which EATS much more of my time than drawing the regular characters from the regular series.

I am going to quote :iconfoxinshadow:, when it comes to regular fanart: “Please make me a drawing of Shadow the Edgy Hedgehog running away from zombies while he’s shooting at them in the abandoned school.”  

Customized fanart: I want Shadoww the Edgy Hedgehog drawn as a human, wearing an armour from the Meiji Era while riding a dragon while he’s shooting at Sonic who’s also a human…

I can draw an Angemon wearing a cape and a hat, and it’s still a fanart. You want me to draw Angemon looking completey different from the Anime and I will have to charge a bit more than usual because it will be considered a CUSTOMIZED FANART.

     [ WHAT ABOUT REQUESTS OR ART TRADES?]                 

I am deeply sorry to say this: I don’t take any requests or art trades.

I used to do it in the past , even gifted people with free arts when I opened Kiriban contests. First, the kiriban contests attracted little attention and I also got requested to draw very detailed artworks (too detailed , sometimes) that took too much time and effort.

As I have bills to pay, I simply cannot afford to give away pictures for free anymore. And I live in Argentina, which is a actually a hellish place and is a borderline “prison country” (If you don’t believe me, just google it) 

Meanwhile, thanks everybody for supporting my humble gallery  and Digimon fansite!


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