The Meme: Nova Takariyama

The other day I came across :icontajii-chan:´s “build your meme” and couldn´t resist the temptation on trying it.

Have fun!


Updated the list of Delivered Commissions

hey Tori get better

Digimon Infinity

And I’m still not done!

There are so many artworks that I had to divide it into 2 sections

All you have to do is click on the images and you’ll be surfing through a sea of beautiful fanarts that I happily delivered for my dear customers.
There are a few more that need to be added, a couple are still in patreon while I am still working on others (which I am more than aware I’m way past due the delivery date…but having been blessed twice by St Corona , I am still on the path of recovering my health. So my rythm of work, sadly , is way slower than my usual self )
Meanwhile, enjoy!

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Updated the list of Delivered Commissions

And I’m still not done!

There are so many artworks that I had to divide it into 2 sections

All you have to do is click on the images and you’ll be surfing through a sea of beautiful fanarts that I happily delivered for my dear customers.
There are a few more that need to be added, a couple are still in patreon while I am still working on others (which I am more than aware I’m way past due the delivery date…but having been blessed twice by St Corona , I am still on the path of recovering my health. So my rythm of work, sadly , is way slower than my usual self )
Meanwhile, enjoy!

Hospital scene with Jo & Dr. Moore

Hospital scene with Joe and Dr. Moore

Another emotional medical scene I got done by Ayhelenk

Tissues needed

Tori is getting her bandage removed yet again after having another  shunt surgery. Her dad Dr. Moore is removing it to see how she’s healing. Dr. Moore is Tori’s birth dad.

Here’s a bit of a background on Dr. Moore: He was the first child of intuition. He was only a teen (14 years old Tori was born 5 days after his 14th birthday) when Tori was born & his girlfriend abandoned Tori in the hospital when she gave birth. She couldn’t handle having a child as a teen let alone a child with a brain injury with a fatal condition. He felt that becoming a neurosurgeon would help other kids like Tori. He never thought that he would end up being Tori’s neurosurgeon & finding her.

Jo is there to comfort Tori while Dr. Moore removes the bandage. He was letting her know that she was doing the best she could with her  situation, but she wants to be healthy enough to defeat Reapermon without it harming  or even killing her. Thanks for the inspirational quote Ayhelenk

This scene will come in Tori’s future as she is having another surgery. This scene will be a constant in her life. I can feel it.