Digi Angelic Homage to Ary Scheffer

The other day I paid a homage to Beneš Knüpfer and his “Wellenspiel”.

Today, I am presenting my Tri style, Holy Angemon and Angewomon engaged in a beautiful yet desperate love like in Scheffer’s ” Les Ombres de Francesca da Rimini et de Paolo Malatesta apparaissent à Dante et à Virgile” ( Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta appraised by Dante and Virgil ).

I came up with this idea after re-watching the heartbreaking fight scene between Angemon (he was corrupted) and Angewomon and I firmly believe that despite being possessed, Angemon tried not to fully succumb to the madness. Angewomon did her best on only dodging his attack and figuring out a way to help him.

Tri evoked , from time to time, similar feelings I had when reading Dante’s Divine Comedy. Awe, frustration and “what the heck?!” moments XD

So, I felt it was natural to make Angewomon pose as Francesca and Holy Angemon as Paolo but unlike the doomed couple that Dante and Virgil met in Hell, the angels are filled with Light and Hope and a happy future is waiting for them.

This is just a preview, the full sized, complete piece is in patreon and will remain as an exclusive for my dear patrons : https://www.patreon.com/posts/digi-angelic-to-35618849

The Meme: Nova Takariyama

The other day I came across :icontajii-chan:´s “build your meme”fav.me/d2bto85 and couldn´t resist the temptation on trying it.

Have fun!


Commission: Kizuna Iori-kun

Finally the last but not least important member from the Harem-esque Digidestined troupe ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Commissioned by @DMCT623 a few months ago, as part of a 2 x 1 promo , I did my best to convey Iori Hida’s personality ;  somthing that wasn’t easy for me, at first, to do as I never felt too much fondness towards the New Kids on the Block in season 02.

‘Step by Step’, I ‘ve been doing the best I could to connect with the character; it’s like writing a book, in my case I need to let the characters talk to me before I pen the first line in a sketch. Regardless of the theme, one of the key points in my drawings is the ability feel and later convey emotion. Even if I’m commissioned to draw an XXX piccie, emotion must be there.. (*˘︶˘*).。*

It certainly took a little while to figure out which style would suit Iori the best, he may be one of the humblest digidestineds but also one of the hardest to connect with

In the end, while listening to some Katy Perry songs, (and yeah, she’s great!) the character finally spoke to me It took a little while to figure out which style would suit Iori the best, he may be one of the humblest digidestineds but also one of the hardest to connect with

In the end, while listening to some Katy Perry songs, the character finally spoke to me ≧∇≦

 Last Friday Night , that’s the song I was listening when I finally had my Eureka moment  XD I can totally imagine Iori doing his homework and suddenly being dragged to that party..the next morning he wakes up dressed as the digital version of an harem dancer and wondering what the heck happened XD 

Armadimon would be SO proud! Grandpa…wel,, not sure XD XD


Commission: Kizuna Daisuke-kun

Long time, no see!

Keeping up with the ‘Harem Kizuna theme’…now it’s Daisuke Motomiya’s turn!

This is the 2nd time that I was commissioned by  DMCT623 to draw a digidestined donning an Harem outfit. He was the one who asked me to draw Ken Ichijouji donning both an harem suit and an avant garde dress sometime ago :)

It’s a natural progress…or jogress XD

Donning a very sensual outfit based on Imperialdramon’s form, as I believe it will a nice match to Ken’s Paildramon’s  outfit…

Initially I was going to draw Daisuke donning the Paildramon’s design, then I thought it would be much better going through Imperialdramon’s route as a nod to their jogress evolution. Daisuke could perfectly wear Paildramon’s outfit and look divine and Ken would certainly look ravishingly sexy with Imperialdramon’s.

Just imagine this scenario: Daisuke and Ken joining their hands together and wearing the Paildramon harem oputfit…then, the Jogress and both of them suddenly looking like the harem versions of Imperialdramon.

I studied both the dragon and warrior modes and borrowed elements from each form.

Updated the list of Delivered Commissions

And I’m still not done!

There are so many artworks that I had to divide it into 2 sections

All you have to do is click on the images and you’ll be surfing through a sea of beautiful fanarts that I happily delivered for my dear customers.
There are a few more that need to be added, a couple are still in patreon while I am still working on others (which I am more than aware I’m way past due the delivery date…but having been blessed twice by St Corona , I am still on the path of recovering my health. So my rythm of work, sadly , is way slower than my usual self )
Meanwhile, enjoy!